Saturday, February 27, 2010


I couldn't resist the sound of a buttery, rich, and delicious home-baked loaf of bread. Now that I've begun bringing peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches to work, having something a bit fresher and more wholesome* than Wonder bread sounded great.

*wholesome used here to indicate extreme amounts of butter.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hollandaise Sauce

While I waited for my bread to bake, I decided to try my hand at Hollandaise Sauce. 

Chocolate Banana Bread

This recipe originally was for Nutella Bread, but I didn't have enough nutella. What I DID have was THIS:

No way would I eat this in any other context... but in this bread it turned out BOMB.COM.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whoopie Pies


These are good.

I made whoopie pies. Salty chocolate cookies. Cream cheese frosting. Classic delicious.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fruit Tart

Fruit Tart!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blueberry ginger muffins

A friend of mine had a tea party on Saturday. Not wanting to show up empty-handed, I baked a batch of blueberry ginger muffins using a recipe I got for free at Ralphs.
These muffins are so tasty. There's just a hint of ginger that bounces around while the rest of your mouth focuses on the tartness of the blueberries and the soft, sweet, warm bread of the muffin. Some may be opposed to the flavor of ginger with fruit, but my fellow tea partiers and I found it to be a perfect combination.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quinoa by Ginoa

I was recently introduced to what some claim to be a legendary Incan miracle food; quinoa (or as Mickey calls it, "living alien pod food").